Revelation Alive!

Revelation Alive

Revelation Alive! is an in-depth, verse-by-verse commentary of the book of Revelation.  The underlying premise which drives Revelation Alive! is the author’s contention that the New Testament book of Revelation, despite appearances to the contrary, has an orderly and logical structure to it which, when understood, enables the reader to interpret the book far more accurately.  Virtually all commentaries on the book of Revelation assume that its text is entirely chronological in nature.  It is not.  Instead, the text of Revelation is a mixture of chronological passages and parenthetical passages.  Because Revelation Alive! shows the reader which passages in the text are chronological and which are parenthetical—thus providing the essential framework for an accurate understanding of the book—it is indispensable reading for all who want to study or teach this book of the Bible. (365 pages)

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Except where otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are taken from the New American Standard Bible, copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977 by The Lockman Foundation.  Used by permission.

Cover photograph courtesy of Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico.

© 1992 by Stephen W. Griffith

Revised 2009

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