A Sampling of What You’ll Learn
- Discover the key to understanding the book of Revelation
- Discover a second important key to understanding the book of Revelation
- Learn which passages in Revelation are chronological in nature and which passages are non-chronological (or parenthetical) in nature—and learn why this is so crucial to understanding the book
- Discover the basic chronology of end-times events according to the book of Revelation
- Learn what Christ’s “Parable of the Mustard Seed” teaches us about the geographic size of the Antichrist’s Empire during the Tribulation period
- Discover the three defining characteristics of the Antichrist’s Empire from Scripture—and find out which nations are “fingerprinted” by these descriptions
- Find out which ten nations are likely candidates to give their allegiance to the Antichrist—and why
- Discover which civilizations will clash during the Tribulation
- Learn about the end-times role and ministry of the 144,000 called-out Jews
- Find out about the hubris of China and the cunning of Russia during the end times
- Discover the role of the United States during the Tribulation
- Learn the identity of “Babylon the Great”
- Learn the identity of the “Great Harlot”
- Find out where the Antichrist expands his empire during the first half of the Tribulation—and how he does it peacefully
- Learn which countries will likely be the Antichrist’s first military targets after he breaks his seven-year peace treaty with Israel
- Find out the geographic size of the Antichrist’s Empire after the completion of the Seal judgments (when it reaches maximum size)
- Learn what happens to the Antichrist’s Empire during the sixth Trumpet judgment
- Hear God’s indictment of the unrepentant during the Tribulation—and why they are deserving of judgment
- Find out what happens to the earth on the final day of the Tribulation—and why Jesus could say, “unless those days are cut short, no life would be saved” (Matt. 24:22).
- Learn of the radical transformation of the earth’s topography on the final day of the Tribulation
- Discover the fate of the United States during the Tribulation
- Discover the four references to a pre-tribulation Rapture in the book of Revelation
- Discover Christ’s teaching of two mutually-exclusive comings of the Son of Man in the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24 & 25)—the first being the pre-tribulation Rapture of the Church and the second being Christ’s bodily return to the earth
- Learn the identity of the “twenty-four elders”
- Find out which Old Testament Scripture teaches that Christ will return to the earth thirty days after the end of the Tribulation period and will begin His Millennial reign over the earth forty-five days after His return
- Discover what Ezekiel 38:18-20 teaches about the timeframe of descent of “Gog” (the leader of Russia) into Israel during the end times
- Discover why the pre-wrath and post-tribulation Rapture positions are Biblically impossible
- Find out why “Babylon the Great” of Revelation 17 & 18 is not the rebuilt city of Babylon in Iraq
- Learn how the 144,000 called-out Jews are able to survive the horrors of the Tribulation
- Find out who participates in the First and Second Resurrections
- Learn how “summer” (i.e., the time for Christ’s return to the earth) is indeed near as the “leaves” of world events are bursting forth in ways which now allow—for the first time since Christ’s Matthew 24:32-35 prophecy nearly 2,000 years ago—the end-times prophecies to be fulfilled literally
- Follow the sequence of fifty-five major end-times events—beginning with the Rapture of the Church and ending with the Eternal Kingdom in Heaven